Wednesday, September 15, 2010

What is Faith?

Faith means to understand things properly.
When Jesus was asked by the Syro-Phoenician woman to cast out the devil inside her daughter, Jesus ignores her until the apostles ask Him to send her away.
Jesus tells her it is not good to give the bread (healings) that are for the children (of God) to the dogs (unbelievers). This showed that Jesus was calling both of them dogs. If Jesus had only been talking about the woman's daughter, He would have made His statement singular.
"It is not good to give a dog..." But this is not what He said. He made His statement plural. Thus referring to both of them as dogs.
The woman confesses that she is a non believer to His claim as the Son of God, but sarcastically reminds Him that even the dogs get the crumbs that fall from the master's table.
This most likely means that she knew who He was in reality, but was merely telling Him she had her own gods she worshipped and wasn't about to change her mind. Yet she wanted a miracle and she knew He had the power to give her the crumbs.
Jesus gives her the miracle based upon her statement of understanding that even though she did not believe He was the only way to God, she knew he had influence and so she asked for the crumbs. She had great understanding in how things worked. This pleased Jesus enough to give her her miracle.
We see this same thing when Jesus heals the ten lepers. Only one came back to worship Jesus. The other nine were lost. Yet they got their miracle and kept it. They had faith (understanding) enough for their miracle, but did not have saving faith which means to understand who Jesus is and believe that He is the only way to God.
When the centurion comes to Jesus for a healing for his servant, Jesus says He has not found such great faith not even in Israel. But what is Jesus actually saying?
The centurion had told Jesus that he also was a man of authority and if he told this one to come, he came. If he told that one to go, he went. This told Jesus that this was a man of great understanding. This centurion understood how things worked which pleased Jesus. Jesus gave him his request.
Faith doesn't mean to believe. It means to have correct understanding of things. We can see this by the examples in the Word of God. At the end of time many will ask Jesus, "Did we not cast out devils in your name and work many mighty miracles in Your name?" Jesus will tell them, "I never knew you."
These had enough understanding to know Jesus' name had power, but they had no real relationship with Him, nor did they allow Him to rule their lives.
They had faith, they just did not have saving faith.
Jesus Villalobos

Thursday, September 9, 2010


I have uploaded Two booksa novel by the above name on and invite anyone to check it out. The cost is 10.00 AND 5.00 respectively. Three Days of Darkness has approximately 41,000 words. Anti-Christ's Birth; The Solomon Island Mystery has approximately 77,000 words.


Hook: Jesus’ return is not supposed to be a surprise. He gave us a definite sign and definite time of His arrival. The trouble is not that there is not enough information, the trouble is there seems to be a lack of understanding on the part of His followers as to what Matthew 24 actually says.

Contrary to popular belief, Jesus never said we could not know the date of His return. The date He referred to in His Matthew 24 discourse as being unknowable was the time of heaven and earth’s complete destruction by His Father. Revelation 20:11.

This is where this book begins. It details Jesus’ words in Matthew 24 and how they relate to Isaiah 13. This is the book Jesus was quoting from in Matthew 24. Through careful study, we find that Jesus not only gave us a sign, but the actual date of His return!


Hook: UFOs, missing women, giants, welcome to Terra Verde!

“Anti-Christ’s Birth; The Solomon Island Mystery,” will keep you guessing who Steven Johnston’s real friends are, and who his real enemies are. Steven Johnston remembers the terrors on Terra Verde; a small Solomon Island in the Atlantic Ocean. If only he could remember the name of the island.

The administration knows from which island he was transferred to their facility. They will not however reveal this information to Steven. They refuse to believe his claims of Monsters. They insist he is delusional. They have planned a return trip to the island after six years of imprisonment. He has one shot at freedom. He must use his knowledge of the island terrain to escape the clutches of the hospital administration.

His new psychologist Jennifer Cowell, a black haired beauty, will accompany him on the trip. Will she prove a help or a hindrance? Even if he escapes the hospital staff, he must still survive, the Solomon Island Mystery once again!

The goal of those on Terra Verde is simple; to find a suitable woman to bear what they call ‘the great hope,’ which in the Christian world is known as the anti-Christ!

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