Monday, January 31, 2011

Matthew 24 and Isaiah 13

Few if any these days see that Jesus' words in Matthew 24 were a direct quotation of Isaiah 13. Jesus expected His followers to see the correlation and realize He was only confirming Isaiah's prophecies concerning His one and only coming. There are not two comings of Jesus.

Jesus only mentions one sign and one coming in Matthew 24. His apostles did not even know He had to die and resurrect. It is illogical to believe they would even ask Him about His return since they did not know He was going away.

Of course it was the Holy Spirit who put this question into their mouths. Since this is the case, the Holy Spirit does not deceive. The question of Jesus' return is in the singular not the plural as if there was going to be two comings of Jesus. "What will be the sign (singular) of Thy coming (singular).

There is no intent on the Holy Spirit's part to deceive with this question placed in the apostles mouths. The Spirit indicating only one return and not two as is being preached in today's Churches. Don't be deceived. This two-fold coming theory is not Biblical!

Jesus' words in Matthew 24 echo Isaiah 13. Isaiah speaks of a nuclear war between the Medes (Kurds) and Babylon (Iraq) which must occur prior to Jesus' return. This war will send the earth out of orbit and into total darkness according to both Jesus in Matthew 24 and Isaiah 13.

This will begin what Jesus called the sign of the Son of Man in Matthew 24. This sign has all but been forgotten by today's Church which is why Jesus warned of those who would say He was in the desert or inner chambers before this sign actually occurred.

Jesus was speaking of a false rapture which would occur first! This would be perpetrated by devils just as happened in the days of Noah when they looked upon the daughters of men and had relations with them producing the giants or Nephalim.

These devils will try to entice people to go with them by telling them it is time for the rapture and to go to Jesus. This is what Jesus was telling His followers. This is also why the Spirit felt it necessary to speak of the only sign which would occur just prior to Jesus' actual true return. This sign is called the sign of the Son of Man by Jesus.

What is this sign? Three Days of Darkness! This sign is throughout the Scriptures. Too many references to put down here. The sign of the Son of Man must occur before the trumpet is blown for the rapture as Matthew 24:29-31 states. If you believe any other sign you will be deceived. Trust Jesus' words not mankind's fables. This sign relates to the three days Jesus (the light of the world) went missing in the grave.

Go to my website for more details. Trust me when I tell you Jesus' return was in no way suposed to be a surprise to His followers. This is why He gave you a specific sign to look for. He knew there would come this false doctrine of a pre-trib rapture. This is not sound doctrine. Jesus said it was immediately after the tribulation that the trumpet would be blown and the angels sent to gather the elect.

Jesus Villalobos

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Where is the Garden of Eden?

The Garden of Eden is Israel. This is where God placed Adam when He first created him. Adam was not created in the Garden of Eden. He was placed there after his creation. The Word of God is explicit on this fact.

"The Lord God planted a garden in the east of Eden and there he placed the man whom He had (previously) created." This shows Adam was created elsewhere. But where was Adam created?

Adam was created out of desert land. What? Yes. When God tells Adam what his punishment will be for disobeying God concerning the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, God tells Adam that the earth shall no longer produce its strength (full ability of crops for Adam) it will yield thorns and thistles.

These words spoken by God are meant to be compared to God's other words to Adam which tell Adam that he shall till the ground from which he (Adam) was taken or created from. In other words, you shall now have to leave the garden which has plenty of water, and go into the desert and till (plant crops) there.

This is why God told Adam that the earth would not yield its strength but would also produce thorns and thistles for him. Thorns and thistles grow in desert soil! This is where Adam was created. He was created in the desert using corrupt soil. Why? Because this is the nature of mankind; corrupt. But as with any soil it can be cultivated to procuce good crops with enough resources added to it.

This was a play on words by God so to speak. He created Adam out of the very type of soil which matched his character. But back to the theme of this article.

The tree of the knowledge of good and evil was NOT AN APPLE! It was a FIG! What? Yes a fig. This is why Adam sewed fig leaves to cover his nakedness which is symbolic of sinfulness. Jesus became sin on the cross. He died naked!

Adam was aware of God's laws which state that the leaves are for the healing of the nations. We find this in Revelation. Adam attempted to heal himself and his wife with the leaves of the very tree they had eaten from.

This makes perfect medical sense to anyone who knows about medicine. The cure for any disease must come from the same exact place the disease came from. The anti-bodies are derived from the same source. Adam knew this medical fact. However, it did not work as God had spoken and the death sentence could not be altered.

Now that you understand that it was a fig tree they had eaten from, you can relate what happened when Jesus cursed a fig tree in the New Testament. Notice that Jesus is hungry when He comes to this fig tree in Jerusalem.

Jerusalem is the Garden of Eden. Jesus notices there are only LEAVES on the tree. This is supposed to make us understand and take our memories back to the Scriptures which speak of Adam trying to heal himself with the fig leaves in Genesis.

Also, There is no fruit on this fig tree. This is symbolically telling us that the law which is symbolized by the fig tree (due to the fact that God only made one law for Adam and Eve; don't eat off of this fig tree) produced no fruit unto God.

It is mentioned that the time of the year was not the time for the fig tree to produce fruit yet. This is supposed to make us understand that at the time of Adam's disobedience in the Garden, it was not yet time for mankind to actually produce the fruit of righteousness unto God. That would come later after Jesus died and placed His own Spririt into us.

Jesus curses the fig tree saying, "No man shall ever eat fruit off of thee again." This is symbolic that God is cursing the first covenant of the law, in order to bring in the second or new covenant of grace!

Where was this tree Jesus cursed? Jerusalem! This is where it all began. Jerusalem is the Garden of Eden. This fig tree was a direct descendant of the tree Adam and Eve ate from.

Jesus Villalobos

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Anti-Christ's Birth; The Solomon Island Mystery

Ever wondered how the anti-Christ might be born? Sure you have. I have set out a possible way in my new book mentioned above.
Take a chance at finding out one possible way it could all come about. I'm sure you will enjoy my new book. Give it a read if you dare.
My new book is available in both ebook and printed version.
Jesus Villalobos 5.00 ebook

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Jesus Villalobos
personal website at:
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